Yoga Sūtras of Pantañjali is the seminal text of pre-modern yoga in South Asia. In the early centuries of the common era, Pantañjali systematized the diverse and pre-existing yoga traditions through his sūtra. Subsequently, the text became authoritative for yoga practitioners and the seminal text of yogic practice. Yoga is a practice more than anything else, and Pantañjali expertly describes a meditation technique that has served, and continues to serve, as a foundation for numerous traditions.

While its practices have remained relevant through the millennia, Pantañjali’s text itself has not endured a continuity of interest. However, with the western transplantation of yoga beginning at the end of the 19th century and the meteoric rise in the popularity of yoga postures, the relevance of Pantañjali’s Yoga Sūtras has similarly soared. It is the canonical text of modern yoga, and therefore an indispensable resource and object of knowledge for modern yoga teachers.



  • Background, Context, and Sankhya Metaphysics
  • Close reading and reflection of the text: verse meanings, themes, and application to one’s own life
  • Discussion of analogies and common questions in order to transmit the text
  • Student teaching practicums of the text
  • Context in modern yoga in America
  • Phenomenological methodology
  • Meditation practice
  • 10 evening workshops
  •  Weekend practicum retreat


LEAD TEACHER: Robert Lindsey


REQUIRED TEXT: Bryant, Edwin F. The Yoga Sūtras of Patnañjali: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary. New York: North Point Press, 2009.



  • TBD 2020
  • Weekday Workshops: 6:30 pm-9:00 pm
  • Weekend Retreat: Friday 8:00 pm – Sunday 5:00 pm



  • Weekday Workshops: Off-site location in East Village/Union Square
  • Weekend Retreat: Off-site retreat center


SELF INVESTMENT: $500 (this is an all-inclusive payment and includes room and board at the retreat)
Payment Deadline – TBD

Early Bird Deadline – TBD


TO REGISTER: Fill out an online application, and then pay in full*! Registration opens TBD.
**Enrollment is very limited**

* YOUR FREE MONTH OF UNLIMITED YOGA CLASSES begins the day you pay your full tuition! No refunds within 31 days before the program begins and refunds requested more than 31 days before the program begins lose $150 processing fee only.



  • Complete Yoga Vida’s 200 Hour Teaching Training or by permission
  • Completion of reading the entirety of Bryant translation before TBD


If you have any questions please contact Robert: